Do you watch the George Zimmerman trial live on TV or your computer? Do you follow every update and news article relating to the case? Do you discuss it with your friends and family?
The Facebook statuses and Tweets from people who, pretending they have magical law degrees from Juris Superstar Happy-Time University, have it all figured out make me want to cry for America. A majority of these people are only concerned about this case because Trayvon Martin is black and so are they or they're not black but want everyone to know how color-blind they are when it comes to race. Trayvon is black, Zimmerman is not, so you care. There. I said it. The elephant in the room. If this young man was any other race or if this was a crime between people of the same race the concern would plummet. If people like Nancy Grace and the opportunists of the world didn't suck this trial for all it's worth, the concern would plummet. It's disgusting.
Do I know if George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin because of his race or some other ignorant reason? No and neither do you America. That's why we have a court system. We don't know what happened because we were not there. All we know is Geraldo Rivera and his big mustache told us, "You can't rehabilitate the hoodie," Trayvon was carrying a pack of Skittles which is supposed to make him an innocent lamb, NBC played an edited clip of Zimmerman on the Today Show that was taken out of sequence, Zimmerman was some sort of neighborhood vigilante wannabe (maybe), and Florida has a Stand Your Ground Law.
What's also sad is if George Zimmerman is found not guilty by a jury of his peers (this is the same state that let Casey Anthony go free), black people across America will riot. How is this not racist? How is only caring about a trial because the victim is black not racist? OJ Simpson ring a bell? The media is eating this up like chocolate cake, egging on the ignorant across the nation to rise up and get angry over hypothetical, fear-mongering nonsense. They discuss the trial more and more because they know we will listen and salivate. We want justice for Trayvon even though we don't know him and never will. We hate George Zimmerman even though we don't know him and never will. Are the laws in Florida a little kooky? Maybe. That's why I don't live in Florida and am not in political office.
We are quick to listen to what the media tells us and make a decision, which is ignorant. Paula Deen is awful. Why? Well because we heard she said this or that or something else from saying the n-word to wanting slaves at a party. What actually happened? Lisa Jackson, a former employee of restaurants owned by Deen and her
brother, Earl "Bubba" Hiers, filed a lawsuit alleging racial and sexual
discrimination. Lisa Jackson. Do you know her? No. Should we believe her? I don't know. Deen admitted she's used the n-word, which is awful. However, what about the numerous black people, including rappers, who use the n-word liberally? I'm not saying Deen's use of the n-word is OK because it's not, just as I'm not defending George Zimmerman. It's 2013 for goodness sakes, wake up Paula. However, how come the n-word is OK sometimes and not other times? There's a racist on "Big Brother" apparently (my better half and I were surprised people actually still watch this show but whatever) but that's taken a back seat to the Save Trayvon Crusade.
When is America going to wake up? When are people going to choose what they support and care about not based on race but on injustice? What about the three women found after being held captive for 10 years? Do people even care about them anymore? What about letting our children listen to people like Justin Bieber, who urinate into restaurant mop buckets and curse out former presidents because they're spoiled jerks? Is he a role model? I think not. Are our children going to grow up to be reality television crazed morons who listen to everything the media tells them? Let's hope not.
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