Life isn't easy. You fill your days while also trying to get a solid 7-9 hours of shut eye a night. There are long commutes, difficulties with parenting, annoying bosses, expanding waistlines, adult responsibilities ... you love anything that will make your life easier.
Don't we love the easy way? I don't want to eat healthy and exercise to lose weight, I want a trick or a secret. I don't want to use my remote, I want to talk to my Xbox One and let it do the work. We are lazy growing lazier by the second.
I was late to the Smartphone game on purpose because I didn't think I needed it in my life. Did I want it? Sure. Did I need it? No. Finally Verizon decided to give me a free phone because Big Business wanted me smart! So, I bought a Smartphone and became dumber. Yeah, I could access the Internet anywhere, Tweet and Facebook, use fancy apps and Facetime but is it healthy to be glued to a glowing screen throughout the day? Probably not.
So, when I heard the Apple Watch made its debut I was less than excited. Apparently "notifications and messaging are at the heart of the Apple Watch." The reasoning? Why would you want to waste time digging out your phone from your pocket or your purse when you can look at your watch? Weather, music, apps, information right on your wrist!
Are we too lazy for Smartphones? I can assume the lemmings who need to have something no one else has yet will purchase the (starting at) $349 contraption but will people purchase this smart watch because it will fulfill a need in their life? You still need an iPhone in order to use the Apple Watch. Is this innovation or a gimmick? Does anyone need a smart watch? Depending on use, it will last 18 hours so will it be another thing to plug in constantly?
Are we going to continue to drift away from life, constantly obsessing over keeping constant track of our health, taking filtered pictures to make our lives seem better so our Facebook friends will Like and Comment? Instagram and Twitter followers trump life experiences. What are we moving towards?
Is technology moving in the wrong direction? Are these new inventions a sign of humanity spinning its wheels towards becoming inhuman?