From 1920 to 1933 it was prohibited in the U. S. of A. It has helped you relax for an evening, caused you great joy and great pain, kept you from getting to work on time or at all, caused you embarrassment and helped ease a shy disposition. I'm talking booze, hooch, the sauce, the hard stuff. You know ... krunk juice, tippling on grandpa's cough syrup, having a nightcap, white lightning, spirits.
On the topic of booze, I'm specifically interested in this phenomenon: you have a hard night of drinking ending in thinking or verbally expressing this sentiment, "I am never drinking again." Whether it's from a terrible hangover, with your statement only heard as a soft echo from the toilet collecting your vomit, or embarrassment from acting inappropriate due to intoxication, you are convinced. You are sick, literally and/or emotionally, from drinking. The mathematical equation is simple: Drinking + Excess = Disappointment. Take excess out and you won't have disappointment.
Sounds simple enough. So, why does time erase memory? You don't forget about the night in question but slowly become less convinced and in a couple days or weeks, or maybe you go a month, you are drinking again. The burning question is: why?
Why do we drink so much? Logically, we know the next day is going to be largely unproductive, spent indoors, eating poorly and wasting time watching reruns on Lifetime or playing video games. We know this. We know on the "day after" we will scold ourselves for getting "too drunk" and, in turn, wasting a perfectly good Saturday or weekday or whatever. It's a vicious cycle.
We drink to excess because drinking is a quick fix to our problems. Yeah, tomorrow is probably going to suck but right now I could be feeling good if I had a couple beers or glasses of wine or mixed drinks. And after one drink you get to feeling pretty righteous and another drink sounds even better! I'm feeling this good now so I could feel even better with another drink! It's like a credit card. I will have to pay later, with interest, but I can have this shit now, right now! Heck yeah!
We want things now, we want to feel good now, we want instant satisfaction. That is what the world has become. We want food delivered, we want lawns mowed by somebody else, our boobs filled with silicone, our houses cleaned by Consuela, media instantly on the Internet. We want to be pleased. Even though drinking isn't a solution (when we wake up tomorrow we will have a hangover and the same problems as yesterday -- and maybe a few new ones) but at least for an hour or so we can be in La La Land drunk off our ass.
So come to easton with some killer weed and we can smoke ourselves straight with no hangover at all. then go to Brasserie Brightwell and regret that all sunday.