I don't know about you but I'm pretty tired of Barack Obama and his yakety yakety yak all the time on my TV. Town-hall meetings, speeches ... I understand the premise behind these fireside chats -- keep everyday Americans in the know -- but I can't help but believe it's more about Obama trying to make himself look good while also trying to make us feel better. Insert his 50 or so TV interviews here -- just saw him on TV talking with Dan Rather. Yes, we know you are a human being but shut up and go fix the country!
It's like his handlers are marketing a brand ... if I see Obama enough times I will want to buy into what he's selling. Just like Obama, I must also remember McDonald's burgers do not really look, or taste, like that and Pizza Hut sucks and will always suck.
Now that I think about it, I'm tired of all politicians and all the b.s. talk. They remind me of the parents in the various "Charlie Brown" films ... they yammer on and on but sound like tubas. Wah, wah, wah, wah! Blah blah, jobs, blah blah, America, blah blah, terrorists, blah blah, economy, blah blah, unemployment, blah blah, tea party, blah blah, freedom, blah blah, left wing, blah blah, right wing ...
the only wings I care about are deep fried and covered in hot sauce you no-good, egotistical, hatemongers.
America wanted a hero, someone to believe in and Obama took advantage of that. Isn't that always the case? Things go bad and we look for a savior. He or she is good for a while and then when things go bad again (aka the shit hits the fan), or don't get any better, we look to someone else.
The problem is we keep falling for this line of reasoning. We must realize no one is perfect ... there has never been a perfect president or human being and never will be. There is no clear answer on how to fix any of the nation's problems and the fixes we do find will take time. Most of all, Congress needs to work together to better the state of affairs. Didn't they learn in Kindergarten to play nice with others?
As for Obama, I need to see change before I will listen again. Don't tell me what you're gonna do, show me what you've done! And for goodness sake get off my damn TV!
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