Saturday, April 30, 2011

Steve Carell, The Office and my confusion

For six seasons, Steve Carell's character, Dunder Mifflin manager Michael Scott, has been at the center of NBC's "The Office," perfecting his "idiot boss" persona and driving his onscreen coworkers to insane absurdity. Carell recently left the show, calling his exit "bittersweet" and "emotional" when interviewed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
I understand the show is extremely popular with many, many hardcore, dedicated followers. I understand these followers are left wondering who will take Carell's place and if this person can do it justice and keep the show entertaining.
What I don't understand ... well ... where I find confusion over all this is ... well ... "The Office" (with or without Carell) is not funny, never has been and never will be. I turn the show on to help me fall asleep at night because it is so boring (I'm serious).
It's reminds me of the time I reviewed a book by famed author Elmore Leonard. I have a rule when reviewing (and when reading books in general): I will give the author 100 pages. If I am not interested after 100 pages I am calling it quits and we are breaking up. For whatever reason, I could not get into Leonard's book and described my experience in the review as, "it's not you, it's me." Keeping in mind he's a famed and celebrated author, I figured it was my bad, although not a bad thing. To each her/his own. I explained why I didn't enjoy the book but filed it under my weird taste for literature and called it a day. Good day sir! Elmore Leonard = 1. Kate Vendetta = 0.
So, years ago when I kept hearing about "The Office" and how funny it was and how my friends were so excited all week for a new episode and all about the sexual tension between Pam and Jim's characters as well as Dwight's awkward and weird hilarity, obviously I was turned off. Some people get excited by this shit and say, "Oh, well I gotta check this out then. If you say so!" Not me. For whatever reason it turns me off to hear over and over how wonderful something is and how much I need to watch, listen or visit. Like a pushy guy after one date, calling and texting and "all up in my Jello-O when he don't even know the flavor," I was like whatever. No thanks.
It was a while later when I finally got around to watching an episode. Snooze alert. I thought, wtf?! But then I questioned my thinking ... wait, maybe I have an overinflated view of this show because of all the hype I've heard. Don't believe the hype! Thus, I must give it another chance. So, I gave it another chance and another and another and ... no dice. It's fucking boring and I don't laugh. I start to feel the pressure, as if I should be laughing. Maybe I don't get the humor. I became confused but kept coming to the same conclusion. It's not funny.
It's like when I turn on the TV and see Jay Leno is on. I think, "Oh Jay Leno, let me check this out." Then I turn it on and after 2.5 minutes I remember, oh wait, Jay Leno is f-ing horrible, absolute rubbish. For some reason I forget and give it another chance every time. It probably has to do with the way Jay Leno is shoved down my throat every chance possible by the media but luckily it only takes mere minutes before I remember he is a total unfunny, sellout smuck.
As for "The Office," I find myself not laughing after jokes but thinking, "yes, that was a joke. Congratulations." Maybe it's me, not the show, but I find it absolutely boring.

1 comment:

  1. Fuck you, Katie! The Office is the fucking best show ever fucking made, you fucking fuck-face fucktard!

    Jim and Pam's sexual tension is fucking legendary. It's like motherfucking Bogart and Bacall, only in motherfucking COLOR!

    What you don't know about Jim, obviously is that he has a fucking 15-inch billy club for a dick and wields it like a motherfucking caveman. Jesus fucking Christ, Katie, do you even watch motherfucking porn? Don't you know anything?

    You don't get the jokes because you are a motherfucking douchetard.

    Now shut the fuck up about the Office.

    You fuck.
