It was a sunny and pleasantly warm day in my town with a bright blue sky and an even brighter sun shining down ... not nearly as warm as it was supposed to be! So, as I type this blog in my home (not destroyed by hellfire and destruction ... yet) it is already Sunday, May 22 in New Zealand. The wrath of the Lord was supposed to start at 6 p.m. today (Saturday, May 21) in New Zealand and spread across the planet, so let's join together for a sigh of relief! Although, Iceland's most active volcano is erupting so ... maybe we should save the sigh for when we are truly safe. Stay vigilant!
Harold Camping -- the 89-year-old Oakland preacher who spent millions of dollars and a lot of time spreading the word that May 21, 2011 is Judgement Day -- must have done his math wrong. Luckily his craftiness is better than his math because he knows how to prey on people -- use fear of the unknown.
Why are we here? Are there other life forms? What happens after you die? Is the rapture going to happen and, if so, when?
I believe there are things we are not supposed to know because they are above and beyond us. That doesn't mean I don't occasionally lie awake at night with an uneasy feeling of doom but my overall attitude is I'm not supposed to understand this and won't ever. Obviously I like to ponder about these big questions but at the end of the day, I ain't got a clue. Not an easy thing to live with so when people like Mr. Camping come along, spreading the Word and sharing the Truth (which is his interpretation of a book that has been edited countless times over centuries) there are thousands of people wanting answers, whether they are true or not, because life would be a hell of a lot easier if we had answers to these questions. They want to believe in something in a world where there isn't much to believe in anymore.
Whatever the case may be, people packed their bags, quit their jobs and broke up with their lovers when Mr. Camping spread his Word. No more time left in this world so you better be ready to leave it all behind and prepare for judgement. Shame on Mr. Camping for taking advantage of these people but shame on these people for being sheep.
Who knows. Maybe after I press Publish Post on this rant the world will shake with cataclysmic earthquakes, hellfire will rain down upon my cynical head and I will be left on Earth to fend for myself until October 21 when the world will be destroyed by fire. For all God's elect people who will be taken into Heaven, good for you! For me, it's sure one hell of a way to go out! I guess I should have paid more attention in Sunday School.
Or maybe nothing will happen and I will wake up tomorrow intact. Cest la vie! You spend all your time planning for the future, growing and changing and becoming an adult, doing all this while never knowing if you are going to get hit by a car tomorrow or contract a horrible disease. You don't know and it's scary but you have to deal with the scariness, deal with the fear, and live your life. Don't believe the hype people because life is pain princess. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
You are deep, kate. Way deep. I have my own take on the Rapture. Come check it out. And don't be afraid to subscribe.